In October 2013 in Poland we had wonderful weather - ideal for climbing our nearest mountains. That's why we went on a trip to Wielka Sowa (Great Owl) the highest peak in our Owl Mountains and it's also situated in the Owl Moutains Landscape Park. Wiktoria made a film to let you see what we saw on our trip.
niedziela, 8 grudnia 2013
środa, 4 grudnia 2013
Quiz about wild animals
Below you can see a film with 25 photos of wild animals. All the photos were taken by Polish students and they show wild animals which live in Poland. The task for students is to find out what are the names of the animals. Write the answers on a paper and give your teacher. Good luck!
Wild animals in Poland on PhotoPeach
poniedziałek, 18 listopada 2013
2nd videomeeting
On 18th November 2013 after many attempts Greek and Polish students met on Skype. They wanted to disccuss about their pets. Polish students saw Greek students' drawings and heard their aminals descriptions in English.
piątek, 1 listopada 2013
Swallows - House Martin
In Poland all kinds of swallows are endangered and are now protected. In Dzierżoniów we have house martins and we watched them make the nest and then how they take care of their babies. We made a film showing the life of house martins.
Narew National Park
Narew is a river in north-east Poland in a very flat area. In 1996 they founded Narew National Park, where you can see amazing views, plants and animals.
And the presentation about Narew National Park by Wiktoria.

sobota, 12 października 2013
Stolowe Mountains National Park
Stołowe Mountains National Park is one of the Park in the Sudetes - the oldest mountains in Europe. Stołowe (Table) Mountains are quite near our town Dzierżoniów. Wiktoria made a presentation about this Stołowe Mountains National Park.

wtorek, 1 października 2013
Best photos of nature taken by Polish students
sobota, 14 września 2013
Syrian woodpecker in Poland
On holiday we were lucky and we saw Syrian Woodpecker in Dzierżoniów. They are very rare birds in Poland and we found out they don't live in our region, but one visited us. Do you see Syrian woodpeckers in Greece and Bulgaria? As we read they live in the Balcan Peninsula.
Click here to see our film with Syrian woodpecker in Dzierżoniów.

Click here to see our film with Syrian woodpecker in Dzierżoniów.
niedziela, 8 września 2013
Tatra National Park
In the Tatras we have a beautiful nature and there's a national park on this area. Wiktoria and Mela show you the beauty of Tatra National Park.
Presentation by Wiktoria
Mela visited the Tatra national Park with her family and took photos of nature:
Mela visited the Tatra national Park with her family and took photos of nature:
piątek, 12 lipca 2013
Edelweiss is a well-known mountain flower.
The plant prefers rocky places at about 1800–3000 m altitude.
Leaves and flowers are covered with white hairs and appear woolly. The dense hair appears to be an adaptation to high altitudes, protecting the plant from cold, aridity and ultraviolet radiation.
As a scarce short-lived flower found in remote mountain areas, the plant has been used as a symbol for alpinism.
The flowers bloom between July and September.
Cveti 3v
Tulipa Urumoffii
This wild tulip counts among the most notable Bulgarian endemics. It occurs rather localized in Northeastern Bulgaria, Eastern Stara Planina Mountain, Znepole Region, Sofia Region and Tundzha Hilly Country. The flowering is in April and May. The plant is strictly protected by the law and included in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. The plant is named after Ivan Urumov, one of the first Bulgarian botanists with great contribution to the development of botany in this country.
wtorek, 9 lipca 2013
Nymphaea alba, also known as the European White Waterlily, White Lotus, or Nenuphar, is an aquatic plant.
It grows in water from 30-150 centimeters deep and likes large ponds and lakes. The leaves can be up to thirty centimeters in diameter and they take up a spread of 150 centimeters per plant. The flowers are white and they have many small stamens inside.
It is protected and increasingly rare plant.
Бялата водна лилия е от семейство Водни рози. Тя е водно растение, обитаващо спокойни водоеми с дълбочина от 30 до 150 cm. Листата и достигат 30 cm в диаметър и могат да се разпрострат в радиус от 75 cm по повърхността на водата. Едно от най-красивите водни цветя.
У нас тя е защитено и все по-рядко срещащо се растение.
Sylviya 4b and VIKI 3g
poniedziałek, 8 lipca 2013
sobota, 6 lipca 2013
Spring in Poland by Wiktoria
Wiktoria took a lot of photos, including animals! And made a film presenting nature of Poland in spring.
niedziela, 30 czerwca 2013
Alpine Triton is three tons retail
SALAMANDER. Length reached 9 cm in males and 12 cm for females.
During the breeding season in Spring,
males have blue staining back side with black and white dots, and the abdomen
have a blue stripe. They have small comb back is colored in yellow and black.
Females are gray brown with green spots, to hide in the water. Belly and both
sexes is bright orange. After the breeding season, adult specimens become
darker, almost black color, designed to disguise the land.
In Bulgaria Alpine Triton found in
isolated groups in the Balkan Mountains (Petrokhan) Osogovska, Rila (Seven Rila
Lakes), Rhodope Montain (Smolyan Lakes) and Average forest.
Alpine Triton prefers dense deciduous
forests with an abundance of water in the hilly
and mountainous areas. Hardly lives outside woods. Alpine Triton lives near mountain lakes and wetlands. In
breeding season live more often in the water and the rest the year mainly on
land. There he lies beneath dry leaves, decaying trees and stumps.
After waking up from hibernation moved
to water in preparation for spawning.
It feeds on small invertebrate. The
female lays 100-200 eggs.
Made by Gabriel Nikolov
czwartek, 27 czerwca 2013
Storks in Bulgaria
are large, long-legged, long-necked wading birds with long, stout bills.
storks occur in many regions of the world
and that those groups use to eat fish. The storks have no syrinx and are
mute. The bill clattering is an important mode of stork communication at the
species are migratory. Most storks eat frogs, fish, insects, earthworms, small
birds and small mammals.
are 19 living species of storks in six genera.
nests are often very large and may be used for many years. Some nests have been
known to grow to over 2 m in diameter and about 3 m in depth.
you – Nature detectives 3rd grade
големи, дългокраки, с дълги и здрави клюнове блатни птици.
Щъркелите се появят в много региони
на света и се хранят с риба. Щъркелите
нямат трахея и са напълно безгласни. Тракането
е важен начин за комуникация в гнездата.
Има 19 живи вида щъркели
в шест рода. Много
от видовете са мигриращи.
Повечето щъркели ядат жаби,
риби, насекоми, земни червеи, малки птици и дребни бозайници.
Техните гнезда са често много големи и могат да се използват в продължение на много години. Някои гнезда нарастват
до над 2 м в диаметър и около 3 м дълбочина.
За вас – природолябителите от 3 клас
niedziela, 19 maja 2013
Krzysiek was lucky and recorded the blackbird singing on a sunny day. Do you know this lovely birs?
niedziela, 12 maja 2013
Boreal owl
Our town Dzierżoniów is situated near the Owl Mountains, so we had to write about owls as unfortunately there are less and less owls in Poland, even in the Owl Mountains. Asia studied one of the smallest owl - Boreal owl.
Boreal Owl breeds in dense coniferous forests across northern North America and Eurasia, and in mountain ranges such as the Alps and the Rockies. It lays 3-6 eggs in a tree hole. Across much of Europe, and to a lesser extent in Asia and North America, naturalists and biologists put up nest boxes for these and other small owls.
This smallish owl ( it’s about 24-26 cm long and about 90-200 g heavy) eats mainly voles and other mammals but also birds as well as insects and other invertebrates. It is largely nocturnal, though in the northern most parts of its range, it is forced to hunt during daylight because of the very short nights in summer.
Boreal Owls live up to 16 years.
In Central Europe there are about 5-6 thousand boreal owls pairs, in Poland - about 8 hundred pairs.

środa, 8 maja 2013
The Earth Day celebrations at Polish school
Polish students took part in Earth Day celebrations. They were taught a lot about ecology and they promoted healthy lifestyle, ecological products and they found out what to do with organic waste in the kitchen. The school play showed us what we should do to help our planet to survive for another generations.
Do you celebrate the Earth Day at your schools?
And the presentation with more photos HERE

And the presentation with more photos HERE
niedziela, 5 maja 2013
When we talk about the wonders of our Bulgarian nature, we must not overlook the karst formations. My colleague, English teacher - Reni Valkova, along with his students explore the karst field near the town of Zemen, made a film about him and participated in a competition of UNESCO. The film was awarded first prize in the category for 2012. The interest of students and continues today. Reni Valkova hosted an open lesson in English based on topic karst . In the lesson is used ENVISION - system that is innovative Bulgarian educational product.
czwartek, 2 maja 2013
wtorek, 23 kwietnia 2013
sobota, 20 kwietnia 2013
We work with NGOs. One such meeting introduced us to the marsh as habitat. Actually it turned out that the marshes are the perfect place for the life of thousands of species ... This tutorial shows us how important it is to protect the marsh-lands, because they help the natural purification of nature ...
piątek, 19 kwietnia 2013
sobota, 13 kwietnia 2013

środa, 10 kwietnia 2013
wtorek, 9 kwietnia 2013
czwartek, 4 kwietnia 2013
Calendar the Nature Protection
Bulgarian pupils have own project callendar:
Day of water March 22
International Bird Day on April 1
World Day for nature protection on April 5
Earth Day April 22
Day of water March 22
International Bird Day on April 1
World Day for nature protection on April 5
Earth Day April 22
środa, 3 kwietnia 2013
Winter in spring in Poland
We would like to find the signs of spring and Bulgarian students did, but in Poland we still have winter with snow and freeze.
We took some photos of wild birds, which also are waiting for sun and warmth. We feed tchem at school and at our homes to let them survive.
piątek, 29 marca 2013
czwartek, 28 marca 2013
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