niedziela, 30 czerwca 2013



Alpine Triton is three tons retail SALAMANDER. Length reached 9 cm in males and 12 cm for females.
During the breeding season in Spring, males have blue staining back side with black and white dots, and the abdomen have a blue stripe. They have small comb back is colored in yellow and black. Females are gray brown with green spots, to hide in the water. Belly and both sexes is bright orange. After the breeding season, adult specimens become darker, almost black color, designed to disguise the land.
In Bulgaria Alpine Triton found in isolated groups in the Balkan Mountains (Petrokhan) Osogovska, Rila (Seven Rila Lakes), Rhodope Montain (Smolyan Lakes) and Average forest.
Alpine Triton prefers dense deciduous forests with an abundance of water in the hilly  and mountainous areas. Hardly lives outside woods. Alpine Triton  lives near mountain lakes and wetlands. In breeding season live more often in the water and the rest the year mainly on land. There he lies beneath dry leaves, decaying trees and stumps.
After waking up from hibernation moved to water in preparation for spawning.
It feeds on small invertebrate. The female lays 100-200 eggs.

Made by Gabriel Nikolov

czwartek, 27 czerwca 2013

Storks in Bulgaria

Storks are large, long-legged, long-necked wading birds with long, stout bills.
The storks occur in many regions of the world  and that those groups use to eat fish. The storks have no syrinx and are mute. The bill clattering is an important mode of stork communication at the nest.
Many species are migratory. Most storks eat frogs, fish, insects, earthworms, small birds and small mammals.
There are 19 living species of storks in six genera.
Their nests are often very large and may be used for many years. Some nests have been known to grow to over 2 m in diameter and about 3 m  in depth.
For you – Nature detectives 3rd grade

Щъркелите  са големи, дългокраки, с дълги и здрави клюнове блатни птици.
Щъркелите се появят в много региони на света и се хранят с риба. Щъркелите нямат трахея и са напълно безгласни. Тракането е важен начин за комуникация в гнездата.
Има 19 живи вида щъркели в шест рода. Много от видовете са мигриращи.
Повечето щъркели ядат жаби, риби, насекоми, земни червеи, малки птици и дребни бозайници.
Техните гнезда са често много големи и могат да се използват в продължение на много години. Някои гнезда нарастват до над 2 м в диаметър и около 3 м дълбочина.
За вас – природолябителите от 3 клас