Nature SOS - eTwinning project
wtorek, 21 stycznia 2014
niedziela, 8 grudnia 2013
A trip to the Owl Mountains Landscape Park
In October 2013 in Poland we had wonderful weather - ideal for climbing our nearest mountains. That's why we went on a trip to Wielka Sowa (Great Owl) the highest peak in our Owl Mountains and it's also situated in the Owl Moutains Landscape Park. Wiktoria made a film to let you see what we saw on our trip.
środa, 4 grudnia 2013
Quiz about wild animals
Below you can see a film with 25 photos of wild animals. All the photos were taken by Polish students and they show wild animals which live in Poland. The task for students is to find out what are the names of the animals. Write the answers on a paper and give your teacher. Good luck!
Wild animals in Poland on PhotoPeach
poniedziałek, 18 listopada 2013
2nd videomeeting
On 18th November 2013 after many attempts Greek and Polish students met on Skype. They wanted to disccuss about their pets. Polish students saw Greek students' drawings and heard their aminals descriptions in English.
piątek, 1 listopada 2013
Swallows - House Martin
In Poland all kinds of swallows are endangered and are now protected. In Dzierżoniów we have house martins and we watched them make the nest and then how they take care of their babies. We made a film showing the life of house martins.
Narew National Park
Narew is a river in north-east Poland in a very flat area. In 1996 they founded Narew National Park, where you can see amazing views, plants and animals.
And the presentation about Narew National Park by Wiktoria.

sobota, 12 października 2013
Stolowe Mountains National Park
Stołowe Mountains National Park is one of the Park in the Sudetes - the oldest mountains in Europe. Stołowe (Table) Mountains are quite near our town Dzierżoniów. Wiktoria made a presentation about this Stołowe Mountains National Park.

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